In the auction of "Glory Jewelry and Jade Jewelry" at Sotheby's in Hong Kong on October 7th, ANNA HU once again broke the world auction record of contemporary Chinese jewellery artists - the cover of this season's autumn album catalogue, the design of the "Dunhuang lute yellow diamond necklace" and finally It was sold at a transaction price of HK$45.34 million (equivalent to US$578 million), once again setting a record for the highest transaction price of a single Chinese piece of contemporary Chinese jewelry artist. This also proves the collection value of ANNA HU art jewelry.
ANNA HU is one of the most watched Chinese jewellery designers in the world. She studied cello at an early age and won several classical music competition awards. In her design, she is good at using jewelry as a carrier to “play” gorgeous jewels on jewellery. The background of Chinese and Western education has allowed her to blend the East and West elements in her design, combining classical music and contemporary art with a unique symbolic expression. ANNA HU's design works have always performed very well in international auctions. As early as 2013, Christie's "Magnificent Jewelry and Jade Jewelry" auction, the design of the "Guyu Harp Jade Ring" was HK$ 2003 million (259 The transaction of 10,000 US dollars broke the highest auction price of Chinese jewellery artists; the design of the "Haizhi" brooch was shot at the Christie's Geneva auction for US$4.568 million, which set the highest level of contemporary jewellery artists in the history of global auctions. Auction price.
The “Dunhuang lute Yellow Diamond Necklace”, which was re-created in this auction, belongs to ANNA HU’s “Silk Music Series” and was designed and produced by Sotheby’s commissioned ANNA HU. ANNA HU is created with a 100.02-carat rich yellow diamond as the main stone, and is matched with yellow diamond, narrow square, diamond, hexagonal and round brilliant cut white diamonds, made of 18K white gold and gold. The whole work has a total weight of 160.89 carats. At the same time, ANNA HU also incorporates the cultural vocabulary of things and the dexterous convertible design. Many highlights make the auction price of this work re-create the peak.
Designer ANNA HU said that the “Dunhuang lute Yellow Diamond Necklace” was inspired by the “Rebound lute” in the mural of the 112th Cave of Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang. The color application and dance movements of this figure have a few Western Regions. She is deeply impressed by the ethnic style and the graceful and graceful dance of the dancers in the painting. She will design the sly image and the Western staff line from the Silk Road to be used as a necklace pendant and chain with jewels. Play a silent but moving note.